Feeling the strain of a life that no longer fits who you are now?

What if this desire for a different route than where you’ve been treading is simply an invitation to investigate your potential and creative abilities that are just waiting for you to own.

Change course into a new – even undefinable direction that you are being called towards?

Have you felt the tug towards a different way of doing life, but end up shutting the thought down?  Perhaps it seems too different from your current identity or how you have planned your life to look like until now. It’s too weird, too irresponsible for you to change tracks now.  Or maybe you categorize that pulling of your spirit to something greater as just a daydream, telling yourself that maybe someday you’ll think about making a change…

But this awareness that there is something more for you isn’t going away.  In fact, it’s a gift to be acknowledged.  What if that urge of yours is not just a reckless, ungrounded idea but instead is your intuition to lead you where you now belong? 

Your inner stirring will eventually get stronger until it becomes so fierce that it no longer can be easily numbed out and results in pain and constriction from ignoring your inner wisdom.  Cue life-crises, ongoing discontent, depression and anxiety, and so on.

But what if… this soul yearning for something else didn’t have to be a scary or messy experience? Instead it could be a fun, creative, energetic adventure and exploration of possibilities that are uniquely yours to tap into?

Deep within, you have the knowing of where you desire to go. Forge You Path facilitation and coaching is your guidepost to to  assist in clarifying the directions and providing your with the navigational tools to so that you can devise your own routes on your journey of living a conscious life. 

Even if you don't have any idea as to what you are being called towards, what if you could allow yourself the space to begin to explore what else is possible for you you?

- What might that look like?

- What could it feel like?

Are you ready to begin to take the first steps towards creating your uniquely individual, new path?

Gain the clarity and support you need to step into the direction life is calling you towards